Tuesday, December 1, 2009

While I'm on vacation

I decided to take a vacation from photography during the winter. Pretty much the only people who want outdoor portraits in the winter are engaged couples.
Tonight at Jake's wrestling meeting for parents they were asking for another photographer to help out this year. They had another mom helping and wanted a second. I don't know what she's shooting with, and I would feel bad if the boys ended up with not so many pictures, or blurry point and shoot kinds. I've already decided to take off from portraits for the winter and thought, "why not?". So I volunteered myself for the other position. Who knows, it could be fun.
They didn't have very many of Jacob last year and that bummed me out, so at least I know I'll get some of my kid this time.
I need to be at all the tournaments and they want a couple of each kid, I think whether or not they are wrestling that day.


Michelle said...

This will be a fun endeavor for you. I hope it goes well!

Michelle said...

Oh, and take your cute camera strap cover with you. Then they'll know you mean business. :D

Anonymous said...

Coooool. Now maybe we will get to see his latest wrestling moment.
Of course, be sure he is the guy on top before you snap!

Luv ya,