Thursday, July 7, 2011

Breaking Point

I don't know whether I should laugh or cry. I'm happy about some things, and anxiety and frustration about others.

We have our financing coming along great. Joel and I both have excellent credit scores and he's gotten some student loan issues taken care of. Now we need to find a house. It's been hard finding something that meets all our wants/needs. It's easy to find 3 bedroom homes. Are people not having kids anymore??? It's so hard to find four bedroom homes in our price range! I'd really like my kids to have their own rooms and also have room for Jake to come home to. We also must have acreage to make it worth it. I won't buy a house that has a small yard, and I won't settle for less than 5 acres. I'd just as well stay put instead of putting money into another non-private yard. We also are looking for a really good price. And that makes the task almost impossible. Just this week a home that would have been perfect has slipped through our hands. This has me depressed, a little.
 But as daunting as that seems, that is the EASY part!
The hardest parts will be getting this house ready, and coming to terms with leaving this home. I love my home. It suits our family just fine! I wish I could take it with me instead, but that also is too costly.
My kids have been of no/little help to me in getting the house ready.  I've even had to post that I wanted to hire someone to help clean and organize the house to get it ready to sell. I've had some offers from people to help. I think I am going to have to use them! This is a big burden on my shoulders that makes me feel crabby and anxious. I've lost my patience a couple of times, unfortunately, when seeing stuff out of place, messes or things I wish they would do on their own.

This isn't good.

Tomorrow we are looking with a realtor at two properties, one I feel doesn't have enough rooms and the other I didn't like the yard. I'm not hoping to fall in love.

1 comment:

The Flying Banana said...

Well, the good thing is that you know what you want! There are not a lot of perfect places out there, but you will find the one that makes you excited to call it home. Good luck, and hang in there!
Luv ya!